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My EclipseCon 2007 Long Talk / Panel Votes

Here are some of my favorite votes for talks / panels. I encourage everyone to pitch in their two cents if they have any 🙂

OSGi Track
Long Talk: Getting Hooked on the Equinox Framework

Panel: When PDE Becomes BDE: Are We There Yet?

Panel: What does the future hold for OSGi?

Fundamentals Track
Long Talk: Ubiquitous Eclipse: Equinox everywhere

Long Talk: Introduction to Eclipse Data Binding

Long Talk: Making the most of the Eclipse Compare Framework

Long Talk: The Fine Art of Creating and Delivering Documentation in Eclipse: Real-World Techniques, Tips and Tricks

Panel: How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Eclipse User Assistance!

Modeling Track
Long Talk: EMFT JET: Building code generators to support Model Driven Development

Long Talk: Modeling Generics with Ecore

Mashup Track
Long Talk: Experiences working on RSSOwl 2 based on the RCP

Long Talk: RCP with Eclipse, Mozilla and OpenOffice: the giant mashup

Panel: The 2006 Google Summer of Code at Eclipse

Business Track
Long Talk: Working with the IT Press

Long Talk: Teaching Bean Counters to Love Eclipse As Much as Geeks Do

Long Talk: Making the World’s Best and Brightest Developers Happy to Help You

Long Talk: Open Source Business Models: A Wall Street Look at a Wild 2006 and the Prospects for Even More Fun in 2007

Panel: Intellectual Property Issues and the Mixing/Blending of Commercial and Open Source Software

C++ Track
Long Talk: C/C++ Source Code Introspection Using the CDT

Long Talk: Assembling your open C and C++ workbench

Data Track
Panel: Following the Data: Eclipse Data Tools Platform

Mobile Track
Long Talk: eRCP – Ready for prime time!