Just a reminder that the latest installment of Eclipse’s BugDay is this Friday.
I have some good news for people getting started as our kind friends at Innoopract have setup some easy profiles using their cool Yoxos On Demand Eclipse Distro service. They are *beta-testing* this type of functionality to see what type of reception it gets from the community. What do profiles mean in this case? Well, a profile will give you everything you need to get started like plugins, mylyn queries for the bugs and triage as well as a PSF.
I encourage other committers to get involved with bugday if they have the time. Just today I helped someone on IRC with a simple bug that never contributed anything to Eclipse. In this process he learned about working with Eclipse’s repository, the importance of self-hosting and how to use Mylyn. I know I could’ve just committed the simple fix myself, but taking someone through the process has value as it’s a good Eclipse community building exercise.
Take care!