I enjoy working with students and researchers, it’s refreshing sometimes. Also, it seems I get a couple emails every month from folks doing interesting research with Eclipse. It’s one area I feel we should support more at eclipse.org, but I’m not exactly sure how to facilitate research besides letting people know what you’re working on. Anyways, I feel like I should start sharing some of the research topics so here’s CodingSpectator…
CodingSpectator has been developed at Ralph Johnson’s research group. Ralph is a co-author of the seminal book on design patterns (GoF) and his research group has a history of important contributions to IDEs. CodingSpectator monitors programming interactions non-intrusively in the background and periodically uploads it to a secure server at UIUC. To get a representative perspective of how you interact with Eclipse, we would appreciate if you could install CodingSpectator for two months. Rest assured that we are taking the utmost measures to protect your privacy and confidentiality.
If you’re interested in helping the researchers out, please start with the consent form before installing the tooling. Let’s hope they come up with some interesting findings in the future