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Posts Tagged with “austin”


In spirit of the BostonEDGE, I’m creating a new Eclipse user group in Austin called AustinEDGE (Austin Eclipse Developer’s Group and Exchange).

Austin is a great town with a lot of good Eclipse talent (there’s people that work on Equinox, PDE, Higgins, ATF, eRCP and more). There are companies like IBM, Motorola, Nokia (nice offices downtown guys!) in town that do Eclipse work. However, we lack an outlet to come together over some frosty beverages and talk. If you’re in Austin and interested, please join the google group and let me know. If I have enough interested people, I’ll get things going and setup a talk and a place. If you have a preference on the talk, please state your interest on the google group.

Some people may ask why I don’t work with the local JUG… well, I tried and their policies upset me (asking an open-source project to pay sponsorship fees is outrageous). These type of meetings should be simple, free, non-commercial focused and fully open. If you want to give a talk, you simply ask. If you want to talk about your product, cool, you just get to provide food and beverages 🙂