I wrote an article summarizing the Eclipse Indigo release on developerWorks.
Thank you to everyone who provided project-related quotes and screenshots.
I’m looking forward to the release next week!
Want to support the eclipse.org community? Join the Indigo 500!
The money goes towards to things like:
On top of that, recent disbursements from the Friends of Eclipse fund has gone to:
So hopefully you know that your donation is being used for good in my opinion. If you want to take advantage of some of the funds and are part of the Eclipse community, check out the wiki for more instructions on how to apply. It would be great to see some more usage of the funds for community related activities like meetups.
The Eclipse community and the Eclipse Planning Council have spoken.
The name of the next simultaneous Eclipse release after Helios will be called Indigo.
I like it. Guess when it will be released? The end of June like the rest of the simultaneous releases.