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Posts Tagged with “mylyn”

Mylyn Builds and Hudson (Jenkins) Integration

Have you tried Mylyn Builds yet? Well, you should!

I’ve been using the Mylyn Builds Hudson/Jenkins integration extensively for the past few weeks and all I can say is awesome. As developers, we tend to spend a lot of time switching between Eclipse and something else, like a browser pointing to build results. With Mylyn Builds, I’m able to see build results within Eclipse and can even open the test results in the JUnit view and re-run any test failures. This alone helps with time savings on my end when it comes to dealing with build failures. In the end, this reminds me of my experience when first using Mylyn to work with Bugzilla… I spend more time in Eclipse working on what I need to.

Anyways, enough of me talking about it… give it a try and see yourself!

Mylyn Reviews Bootstrapped

The ability to do code reviews in Eclipse land is going to become a lot better in the future; it looks like the Mylyn Reviews project is finally bootstrapped at!

I recall meeting Mario Bernhart in Vienna about a year ago at a Eclipse DemoCamp suggesting that they move the ReviewClipse project to to build a developer community and get some more attention. It looks like we are finally at that stage and I hope they consider shipping a incubation release as part of the Indigo simultaneous release. If you’re looking for more information about code reviews, Mario gave a presentation at Agile 2010 recently…

Since the Mylyn Reviews project is new, feel free to take it for a spin if you want to give feedback and help shape the projects future (this is the beauty of open source when getting involved with a project early). On a side note, I’m looking forward to enabling code reviews in Git land through git-notes and Mylyn Reviews.

Mylyn and the Little Things

I had one of those “I love Mylyn moments today…

Why yes Mylyn, that’s exactly what I wanted to do with that problem (besides banishing it from my workspace).

It’s the little things that make you smile and see how far we’ve come with the IDE experience. It also makes you want to curse those who don’t think there’s a benefit to IDEs.

But seriously, give Mylyn a try if you aren’t using it already. If you don’t know what Mylyn is, watch this webinar.

Mylyn Reviews

Just in time for Christmas, a new project proposal called Mylyn Reviews was posted. Mylyn Reviews aims to take the work done in the ReviewClipse project and mend its notion of code reviews to Mylyn tasks.

Mik Kersten and I will be mentoring the project as it moves and begins its new life at Eclipse. I’m personally very excited to see this project coming to Eclipse and evolving. I see a future where code reviews are integrated into Eclipse as easy as Mylyn tasks are.

The I’m Feeling Lazy Button…

I don’t consider myself lazy, but there are certain things I don’t want to think about sometimes. For example, the Urbanspoon application on the iPhone has saved me from answering the question of what’s for dinner… I simply just have to shake my phone:


Mmm… burgers!

How is this related to Eclipse? Well, the Mylyn project just got a new feature based on one of my long standing requests:

The ZX Button

Why is this useful? Well, there are times when I just want a task thrown at me versus something that I have scheduled in advance. I think it’s human to just want something new or different. The current algorithm I believe just picks a low priority task that’s not scheduled… it could be interesting to plug your own algorithm for assigning yourself a task. It could be as simple as a random task… it could be what is currently in place… or it could be something more sophisticated based on your preferences. Anyone have some thoughts?

Now only if I can shake my Macbook Pro to get Mylyn to assign me a task…

Note: If you want to try out this feature, grab the latest Mylyn 3.2 weekly build.

Imitation is a form of flattery…

Some people say imitation is some form of flattery. In the software industry (especially in open-source), we see this a lot when people prune ideas and code from projects. Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily… it could be if we keep repeating the same mistakes. I came across a recent example of “imitation” in the Eclipse ecosystem as I was messing with JavaScript a bit (using the JSDT) and noticed something familiar:

I’ve seen those preferences before in the JDT!

I than did a bit more investigation… I looked into what extension points are provided by JSDT:

I think I’ve seen those before too!

I think the JDT team should be flattered, right ;)?

I’m not sure yet if “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” but I know being stalked and copied can indeed be frightening:

Eclipse BugDay Provisioned?

Just a reminder that the latest installment of Eclipse’s BugDay is this Friday.

I have some good news for people getting started as our kind friends at Innoopract have setup some easy profiles using their cool Yoxos On Demand Eclipse Distro service. They are *beta-testing* this type of functionality to see what type of reception it gets from the community. What do profiles mean in this case? Well, a profile will give you everything you need to get started like plugins, mylyn queries for the bugs and triage as well as a PSF.

I encourage other committers to get involved with bugday if they have the time. Just today I helped someone on IRC with a simple bug that never contributed anything to Eclipse. In this process he learned about working with Eclipse’s repository, the importance of self-hosting and how to use Mylyn. I know I could’ve just committed the simple fix myself, but taking someone through the process has value as it’s a good Eclipse community building exercise.

Take care!

Choo Choo Trains

It looks like the SpringSource people have taken a cue from Eclipse in having their own version of a release train to help with the various Spring-related technologies out there.

I hope that this is a sign that other open-source communities will follow this release train practice. Once this happens, we can start thinking about staging the various release trains so they are synchronized.

For example, imagine that one week after the Ganymede release train happened, SpringSource had its release train occur. I believe this would promote better unity amongst open-source communities, especially communities that depend on each other in one way, shape or form.

Happy BugDay!

Here’s just a reminder that Eclipse BugDay is upon us again. I actually managed to participate this time around and fix an issue in Mylyn that bothered me to no end. If you have time in your day today to go through some bugs, please do so. Here’s some interesting ones from PDE:

  • [154206] – Ensure that bin.includes does not refer to the source
  • [199098] – [Schema][Editors] Duplicate names are allowed from source page
  • [208742] – NLS of WorkspacePluginModelBase only works if resource is called

Good luck bug squashing!

PDE Does Singapore

Well, I’m off on my Asia adventure today. This involves being on a plane for 24 hours but, I think it will be worth it once I get to talk Eclipse and plug-ins at JAX Asia next week. My offer of discussing Eclipse over a frosty beverage always stands if anyone is in the Singapore area 😉

A long trip on a plane for me can only mean one thing, productivity. I plan to squash some Eclipse bugday bugs on the plane ride, one of them being one of my favorite Eclipse pet peeves: wizards that suffer from amnesia. I also plan to work on some new articles that will discuss some plug-in development best practices that I’ve learned over the years and touch on some aspects of PDE that aren’t understood well (ie., the target editor, automated management of dependencies, plug-in search, etc…).

I’ve also been looking over EclipseCon submissions for the tracks I’m chairing. It’s going to be really tough to choose the long talks… there’s a lot of good submissions with not many slots to fill. There’s also some really good short talks and tutorial submissions this year. Why do you guys have to make it so hard :(?

On a side note, if you’re interested in a rich text editor in Eclipse, voice your support on this bug which aims to make the sexy editor out of the EPF project consumable for third parties. In case you want a sneak peak at the editor’s features, Philip Beauvoir has already done some work in this area to make the editor consumable in an RCP application.

Remember to rock the vote on Eclipse bugs you care about 🙂