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Posts Tagged with “opensource”

Linux Kernel’s Code of Conflict

The Linux Kernel recently has come up with an aptly named “Code of Conflict” to deal with some of the criticism inside that community:

There’s also an interview from the Linux Foundation Executive Director, Jim Zemlin about this topic:

While not perfect in my opinion, it is the step in the right direction to ensure a well behaving community. While most people will be excellent to each other, there will also be outliers. Also, it’s important to set expectations within a open source community and really just set the ground rules.

Finally as a prediction (and hope), I expect to see more open source communities, foundations and even companies start implementing these code of conduct style guidelines this year.

FYI: Open Source Initiative (@OpenSourceOrg)

If you aren’t aware of the Open Source Initiative (OSI), you should be. They are fantastic not-for-profit organization responsible for the Open Source Definition (which everyone should read once in their lives), they maintain a a list of compliant license definitions on top of promoting open source across the world.

They are also membership driven organization, which is supported by individuals and affiliates. As far as I know, they are the only organization that brings together a variety of open source individuals/institutions to cross-promote ways to work together improve the adoption of open source software:


They are also in the last month of their membership drive, so if you’re interested in supporting their cause, I highly recommend you consider joining as a member:

Also more selfishly, the OSI currently has nominations open for the board of director election which I’m partaking in. The current group of nominations include a great group of folks from all over the open source ecosystem and I’d love to have the opportunity to serve, my plans include expanding corporate membership and more.

So please consider supporting the OSI and vote your interests, they really make the greater open source community a better place.

One Week until #MesosCon 2014 (and LinuxCon)

Over the last couple of years I’ve been heavily involved in open source infrastructure technology by way of the Mesos project, which my team and Twitter have helped grow outside its humble beginnings as an academic project. As a result, I’m really looking forward to the first #MesosCon next week (co-located with LinuxCon) which my team at Twitter helped put together in collaboration with the awesome Mesos community and the great folks at the Linux Foundation. It was interesting as we put together the conference in a fairly transparent fashion, but that’s a topic for another blog post.





The schedule looks great and covers a wide variety of infrastructure usage:

The final day we also have a Hackathon where committers and Mesos community members will be available to drive the project forward based on community interest (basically who shows up).

Also, right before #MesosCon there will be a Docker Meetup in Chicago which will have a talk about running Docker containers on Mesos.

Look forward to seeing everyone in Chicago, feel free to reach out to me if you would like to meet up and chat open source over a frosty beverage.

Interview with @OpensourceWay

I’m a bit behind on blogging but last week I gave an interview with about how we scale our infrastructure at Twitter using Mesos, check it out:

Hope you learned something new!

Travis CI

I’ve been slightly enamored with Travis CI as of late…

For those who don’t know what Travis CI is, it’s a hosted continuous integration service for the open source community, still in alpha stages but surprisingly stable from my point of view. It also integrates nicely with your GitHub account so you can easily decide what projects you want to build by logging in using your GitHub credentials. On top of that, the Travis CI code itself is hosted on GitHub for people to contribute to.

Traditionally, open source projects benefited from having continuous integration service if they were hosted part of an open source foundation, however, Travis CI allows any project to take advantage of the service if they support the language:

For example, I recently decided to add Travis CI support to hogan.js, which is one of Twitter’s open source projects, essentially a compiler for the Mustache templating language. You essentially get a nice build status icon that integrates nicely into your GitHub’s projects README:

Adding Travis CI support for the hogan.js Javascript library was fairly trivial, you can take a peak at the commit to figure out how it was done or read the Travis CI documentation. The only tricky part was ensuring that git submodules were properly initialized and phantomJS was launched so QUnit can successfully run. It’s even easier for other languages that Travis CI supports!

In the end, I love what Travis CI is doing for the open source community and how it integrates with GitHub. Continuous integration is something every software project should have and Travis CI makes it really easy to get started. In a future post, I’ll considering comparing Travis CI to some of the other CI options out there (e.g., Hudson/Jenkins), but for now, consider trying out or even sponsoring the service.